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COST Action Kick-off Meeting

Kick Off Meeting in Brussels – First Meeting of the Management Committee of COST Action TD1301

The agenda comprised the following:

The COST Office has planned the first Management Committee meeting of the above Action to take place in Brussels on 8/11/2013 at the COST Office, Avenue Louise 149, Brussels. The meeting will start on 8/11/2013 at 09:00 and end on 8/11 at 17:00.

The draft agenda is as follows:

Welcome to participants
Adoption of the agenda
Status of the COST Action
Presentation of the delegations
General information on COST mechanism and on the funding and reporting of coordination activities:

COST Instruments and Eligible expenses
Work and Budget plans
Grant Agreements
Financial Reports
Monitoring Progress Reports
Annual reviews at the Annual Progress Conferences

Agreement on the internal rules of procedure for the Management Committee of the COST Action
Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair

Selection of:
The Grant Holder (Legal and Scientific Representatives)
Two Financial Rapporteurs

Workplan for the implementation of the COST Action (based on the Memorandum of Understanding – Presentation of the Action by the proponent).

Objectives and working programme
Working method – organisation and management (including working groups)
Distribution of tasks
Promotion of gender balance and of Early Stage Researchers (ESR)

Budget plan for the first period
Place and date of next meeting

Useful links:
TD1301 Minutes 1st MC-Final 2014
Presentation at Kick-off Meeting

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