Accelerating the Technological, Clinical and Commercialisation Progress in the Area of Medical Microwave Imaging

First steps

You have joined our COST Action – what to do ?

Welcome to COST Action TD1301, MiMed. Please register in our website: (credentials are different to those in eCOST).
You can also register in our LinkedIn group:

Please fill in the following questionnaires:

Please contact the MC members at your country in if you have any national related questions.

Please explore our website in the events sections to get updates on our future activities, and contact us to find out if we have any open calls for Training Schools, STSMs and Meetings.

Please cite us when you are doing work related to this COST Action – find out how in here:

Please contact the Working Group leaders and volunteer to work towards the objectives for each one.

If you would like to advertise anything amongst our group (e.g. positions in your group, relevant conferences, etc.) please contact our Communications Officer (Giuseppe Ruvio) and he will advertise it amongst our participants in our website, email and LinkedIn group.

More tips to come…