Accelerating the Technological, Clinical and Commercialisation Progress in the Area of Medical Microwave Imaging

Postdoc position for candidates with physics, electrical or biomedical engineering background at the Erasmus MC

At Erasmus MC Cancer Institute the High-Dose-Rate (HDR) afterloading brachytherapy (BT) is extensively used for prostate and cervix cancer patients. In close cooperation with an industrial partner (Elekta AB) an integrated system for PreTreatment Brachytherapy Verification (PTBV) based on electromagnetic tracking will be introduced.
We are looking for a post doc in electrical engineering, physics or Biomedical engineering who will perform the following research tasks:
• Non-clinical and clinical validation of the PTBV prototype.
• Initiation of further development and refinement of the prototype.
• Development of measuring and evaluation tools.
• Preparation of the clinical workflow to use the integrated PTBV system in prostate and cervix HDR brachytherapy

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