Accelerating the Technological, Clinical and Commercialisation Progress in the Area of Medical Microwave Imaging

STSM Application

We have an open call for STSM applications, which will stay open until the 16th of July. If budget is unspent after that, we will then have a first-come-first-served call until all budget is spent.

We intend to support STSMs (up to a total of at least 10,000€) to support the activities in WGs 1-4. Evaluations should be completed within 1-2 weeks from submission, so please plan the start and duration for your STSM accordingly. STSMs have to end before the 7/11/2017 (the end of our Action).

Once an STSM is completed, reports should be sent within 30 days. If the STSM ends after 7th of October, the period for reporting is always until the 7/11/2017 – no exceptions allowed because this will be the end of our Action and the last grant period.

Researchers who have been awarded STSMs in the past, can re-apply.

Dr Jorge Costa (PT) is the STSM manager and STSM evaluation will follow our internal rules. The STSM reports will be published in our website and STSM grantees will have a chance to present their work in future meetings.

The STSM proposals must be submitted using the following link. Login to website is required in order to access the submission webpage. Each proposal has to be submitted before the current deadline and must be accompanied by the following supporting documentation (all in pdf):

  • The number or code of the STSM form that is generated in the following eCOST link
  • (we understand that a e-cost form is no longer sent to you, so please create a pdf with the number you are given when filling out the ecost STSM form)

  • A Short CV of the applicant with list of the main publications (2-3 pages)
  • Motivation letter of the applicant describing the work plan (2 pages)
  • Written agreement of the host institution (1 page)
  • Letter of support from the home institution (1 page)
  • Budget (please specify the different components like: travel, accommodation, sustainment …)

Once the STSM proposal is submitted the applicant should receive an automatic e-mail confirming the submission (please notice that this e-mail can be delayed and/or sent to the spam of your e-mail reader)
Each proposal will be individually evaluated by the STSM committee which is composed by:

  • Action chair: Dr. Raquel Conceição
  • Action vice-chair: Dr. Martin O’Halloran
  • WG1 Leader: Dr Maciej Klemm
  • WG2 Leader: Dr Lorenzo Crocco
  • WG3 Leader: Dr Andreas Fhager
  • WG4 Leader: Dr Panagiotis Kosmas

The evaluation criteria are firstly a binary decision on the eligibility of the proposal based upon the COST rules (see section 6 of the COST Vademecum in the following link) and the compatibility with our Action. Afterwards, the proposals that are considered eligible are ranked and approved based upon budget availability. The ranking criteria are:

  • Scientific quality of the application (originality and feasibility of the approach)
  • Realistic planning of the application (feasibility within timeframe proposed and justification of the finance requested)
  • Qualifications of the applicant (research being undertaken, research already undertaken, publications and participation in international research cooperation)
  • Benefit of the STSM (added-value for the applicant, host, and home institutions)

If one or more of the STSM proposals under evaluation has the same institution (host or home) as a committee member, this member does not participate in the evaluation procedure of the complete group of proposals under evaluation. In the case this situation happens with a WG leader, it is up to the WG co-leader to take his place. In  case this situation happens with the Action chair or co-chair, she or he will not participate in the evaluation procedure of the complete group of proposals under evaluation.

Gender, geography and ESR balance will be taken into consideration when evaluating the proposals.
After the STSM, the grantee is required to submit a short scientific report in pdf by e-mail to the host institution (for information), STSM coordinator (Dr. Jorge Costa, Jorge.Costa [at] iscte [dot] pt), chair (Dr. Raquel Conceição, raquelcruzconceicao [at] gmail [dot] com) and grant holder ( for approval within 30 days after the end date of the STSM containing:

  • Purpose of the STSM
  • Description of the work carried out during the STSM
  • Description of the main results obtained
  • Future collaboration with the host institution (if applicable)
  • Foreseen publications/articles resulting from the STSM (if applicable)
  • Confirmation by the host institution of the successful execution of the STSM
  •  Other comments (if any)

The template for the report is here:

STSM Report Template COST TD1301

The failure to submit the scientific report within 30 days will effectively cancel the grant. After approval of the scientific report by the STSM coordinator, the Grant Holder will execute the payment of the grant. All future publications resulting from the STSM should contain an acknowledgment to the action: “This work has been developed in the framework of and supported by COST Action TD1301 – MiMed”.

Submit STSM Application