Accelerating the Technological, Clinical and Commercialisation Progress in the Area of Medical Microwave Imaging

STSM Reports

STSMs 2017 (GP5):

  • Alessandra La Gioia, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland “Evaluation of Keysight VNA software for automatic calculation of dielectric measurement uncertainty”, Host: Dr Ferry Kienberger, Keysight Technologies, Linz, Austria, October 2-13 2017.
  • Mina Bjelogrlic, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, “Experimental Validation of Microwave Imaging for Brain Stroke Monitoring”, Host: Michael Mattes, Electromagnetic Systems, DTU Electrical Engineering Technical University of Denmark, Denmark, August 18 – September 8 2017.
  • Matilde Pato, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, “Development of a robust technique for skin removal artefact in numerical phantom for different skinʼs layer”, Host: Martin O’Halloran, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland, September 4-15 2017.
  • Gennaro Bellizzi, Università Mediterranea Di Reggio Calabria, Reggio Calabria, Italy, “Microwave hyperthermia: optimal treatment planning & theranostic potential of applicators” Host: Dr Maarten Paulides, Erasmus MC-Daniel den Hoed, Rotherdam, The Netherlands, September 4 – October 13 2017.
  • Laura Farina, Sapienza, Roma, Italy, “Characterization of the dielectric properties of biological tissues and their correlation to tissue hydration”, Host: Charles V. Sammut, University of Malta, Msida, Malta, October 2-31 2017.
  • Julian Bonello, University of Malta, Msida, Malta, “Characterising the temperature dependence of dielectric properties of biological tissue samples”, Host: Martin O’Halloran, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland, September 14 – October 4 2017.
  • Michele Ambrosanio, Università Degli Studi Di Napoli “Parthenope”, Napoli, Italy, “Testing of Novel Microwave Imaging Inversion Approaches”, Host: Dr Panagiotis Kosmas, Medical Wireless Sensing Ltd, London, UK, September 14 – October 4 2017.
  • Álvaro Fernández Vaquero, University Of Oviedo, Gijón, Spain, Host: Prof Jorge Costa, Instituto de Telecomunicações, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, September 6 – November 6 2017.
  • STSMs 2016-2017 (GP4):

  • Syed Ahsan, King’s College London, UK, “Development of Microwave Imaging Setup”, Host: Francesca Vipiana, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy, September 4-25 2016.
  • Jorge Alberto Tobon Vasquez, Politecnico de Torino, Italy, “Realistic skin realization for breast phantom”, Host: Marko Helbig, Technische Universität Ilmenau , Ilmenau, Germany, September 24-October 1 2016.
  • Lorenzo Crocco, Istituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell’Ambiente (IREA), Napoli, Italy, “Participation to clinical trials and development of improved processing and acquisition strategies”, Host: Ibrahim Akduman, ISTANBUL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY – Electronics and Communication Engineering Department , Istanbul, Turkey, April 2017.
  • Saqib Salah-ub-din, National University of Ireland Galway, “Preliminary Investigation of Temperature and Coagulation Effects on the Dielectric Properties of Blood”, Host: Charles V. Sammut, University of Malta, Msida, Malta, September 3-October 1 2016.
  • Irina Alborova, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia, “A study of the biological tissues dielectric properties”, Host: Charles V. Sammut, University of Malta, Msida, Malta, July 18-August 1 2016.
  • Branislav Gerazov, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, Skopje, FYR Macedonia, “Application of deep learning to breast cancer classification in microwave imaging”, Host: Raquel Conceição, Instituto de Biofísica e Engenharia Biomédica, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, March 27-April 23 2017.
  • Martina Teresa Bevacqua, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Reggio Calabria, Italy, “a novel, non invasive, methodology for mapping the dielectric properties of human tissue in vivo”, Host: Rob Remis, Delft University of Technology , Delft, Netherlands, November 13-December 14 2016.
  • Mohammed Rahman, King’s College London, UK, “Phantom Study for Microwave Imaging”, Host: Lorenzo Crocco, Istituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell’Ambiente (IREA), Napoli,Italy, September 1-22 2016.
  • Mina Bjelogrlic, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, “Computational Validation of a 3-D Microwave Imaging System for Brain Stroke Monitoring”, Host: Michael Mattes, Electromagnetic Systems, DTU Electrical Engineering Technical University of Denmark, Denmark, January January 1-31 2017.
  • Daniela Godinho, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, “Data fusion algorithm for breast cancer classification with microwave imaging”, Host: Martin O’Halloran, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland, March 18-26 2017.
  • Irina Alborova, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, “Antenna design by using specialist tool for the 3D EM simulation of high fre-quency components”, Host: Panagiotis Kosmas, MediWiSe | Medical Wireless Sensing Ltd , London, UK, April 10-30 2017.
  • Bárbara Oliveira, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland, “Validation of breast cancer classification systems for microwave imaging with experimental data”, Host: Raquel Conceição, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, April 15-30 2017.
  • Tomislav Markovic, KU Leuven, ESAT-TELEMIC, Belgium, “Microwave Design and De-Embedding Techniques for Heating Devices for Life Sciences”, Host: Adrijan Baric, University of Zagreb, Croatia, April 1-30 2017.
  • STSMs 2016 (GP3):

  • Giuseppe Ruvio, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, IE, “High-accuracy dielectric properties measurements”, Host: Dr Vanni Lopresto, ENEA, Rome, IT, February 1-7 2016.
  • Raquel Conceição University of Lisbon, PT, “Microwave Imaging-based breast cancer classification”, Host: Dr Edward Jones, National University of Ireland Galway, IE, February 28-March 18 2016.
  • Marija Stevanovic,School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, RS, “Sparse microwave imaging using wavelet transform”, Host: Dr Andrea Massa, ELEDIA Research Center, Trento, IT, March 29-April 10 2016.
  • Declan O’Loughlin, National University of Ireland Galway, Galway, IE, “Hardware Development for Microwave Breast Imaging”, Host: Prof Milica Popovic, McGill University, Montreal, CA, April 4-22 2016.
  • Laura Farina, Sapienza, Rome, Italy, “Characterization of dielectric properties of in vivo breast tumor model”, Host: Dr Luca Vannucci, Institute of Microbiology Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, CZ, April 10-17 2016.
  • STSMs 2015:

  • Jochen Moll, Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main, Germany, “MiMed”, Host: Dr Maciej Klemm, University of Bristol, United Kingdom, Mar 25 – Apr 2 2015.
  • Gennaro Bellizzi, CNR-IREA, Italy, “UWB radar for MNP enhanced breast tumor detection: determination of the optimal working conditions”, Host: Dr Marko Helbig, TU Ilmenau, Germany, Apr 20 – Jul 16 2015.
  • Dr Antonio Cuccaro, Italy, “Anthropomorphic and mechanically stable breast phantom”, Host: Dr Max Ammann, Ireland, Jun 15 – 30 2015.
  • Dr Marija Stevanovic, Serbia, “Development of compressive sensing techniques for medical applications of microwave imaging”, Host: Dr Lorenzo Crocco, CNR-IREA, Italy, Jun 22 – July 7 2015.
  • Dr Dallan Byrne, UK, “Radar Breast Imaging, algorithm comparisons and their applications to radar measurement system”, Host: Dr Martin O’Halloran, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland, Aug 17 – 21 2015.
  • Mr Adnan Elahi, Ireland, “Evaluation of radar-based microwave imaging algorithms: From phantoms to patients’ data”, Host: Prof Elise Fear, University of Calgary, Canada, Jul 27 – Aug 14 2015.
  • Ms Barbara Oliveira, Ireland, “Evaluation of Breast Microwave Imaging Diagnosis Algorithms on Experimental and Clinical Data”, Host: Dr Daniel Flores-Tapia, University of Manitoba, Canada, Aug 2 – Aug 16 2015.
  • Dr Jorge Tobon Vazquez, Italy, “Experimental testing of Microwave Imaging algorithms with realistic phantom”, Host: Dr Max Ammann, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland Sep 12 – Oct 11 2015.
  • Mr Zhenzhuang Miao, UK, “Implementation of microwave medical imaging based on log transformation for experimental data”, Host: Dr Paul Meaney, Dartmouth College – Thayer School of Engineering, United States Sep 1 – Oct 31 2015.
  • Mr Saqib Salah-ud-din, Ireland, “Tissue Dielectric Measurement”, Host: Dr Paul Meaney, Dartmouth College – Thayer School of Engineering, United States, Aug 17 – Aug 31. New dates: Oct 19 – Nov 8 2015.
  • Mr Ilja Merunka, Czech Republic, “Collaboration in areas of microwave hyperthermia and microwave tomography”, Host: Dr Martin O’Halloran, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland, Sep 7 – Nov 23.
  • Mr Ondrej Fiser, Czech Republic, “Combination of Microwave Diagnostic and Therapy”, Host: Dr Marko Helbig, TU Ilmenau, Germany, Sep 7 – Nov 23.
  • Dr Jan Vrba, Czech Republic, “Initialization of development of combined microwave imaging and hyperthermia system”, Host: Dr Andrea Massa, Italy, Jun 1 – Jul 31. New dates: May 31 – Jun 27 & Oct 11-24 & Nov 22-28.
  • STSMs 2014:

  • Raquel Conceição University of Lisbon, PT, “Breast cancer classification & set-up of CEMI-SUSTC & industrial visit”, Host: Professor Yifan Chen, South University of Science and Technology of China (SUSTC), Shenzhen, China, August 23-29 2014.
  • David Vrba CTU Prague, CZ, CZ, “Design, optimization and evaluation of novel type of applicators for microwave thermotherapy”, Host: Professor Paul Stauffer, Thomas Jefferson University, US, Sep 1 – Oct 10 2014.
  • Adnan Elahi NUI Galway, IE, “Evaluation of Confocal Microwave Imaging (CMI) algorithms on clinical patient data”, Host: Professor Elise Fear University of Calgary, CA, Sep 15 – Oct 5 2014.
  • Grazia Cappiello NUI Galway, IE, “Microwave breast cancer therapeutics: treatment of breast cancer using hyperthermia”, Host: Professor Gerard van Rhoon Erasmus MC , NL, Sep 17 – Oct 17 2014.
  • Rosa Scapaticci IREA – CNR, IT, “Novel microwave imaging algorithm for an experimental prototype system for breast screening”, Host: Professor Johan Mohr Technical University Denmark, DK, Sep 22 – Oct 12 2014.
  • Mina Bjelogrlic EPFL, CH, “Development of efficient tools for MWI with special emphasis on brain stroke monitoring”, Host: Doctor Lorenzo Crocco IREA CNR, IT, Sep 29 – Oct 29.
  • Bright Yeboah-Akowuah King`s College London, UK, “Antenna measurements for microwave imaging”, Host: Professor Yifan Chen, South University of Science and Technology of China (SUSTC), Shenzhen, China, Sep 29 – Oct 31 2014.